Welcome to
The PBC Hub
Recovery Coach Academy
The Recovery Community HUB of Palm Beach County believes that there is hope and healing in recovery from alcohol, drugs and other addictions by providing education and support for each Recoveree in their particular pathway to recovery.
The HUB is totally and unconditionally committed to promoting supportive long-term recovery to individuals including family members by treating people with dignity and respect. We do this by providing Recovery Coaching services and training classes for individuals and families.
The HUB provides quality outcome measured education and support services for long term recovery for both the afflicted person and their families. We provide Recovery Coach (RC) services to the recoveree and Family training to the family.
The HUB also provides outstanding curriculum development and training classes. For example, we provide the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy (RCA), Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches and Recovery Coaching in an Emergency Department course. Also, we provide the Macro Perspectives of Peer and Family Systems Support (MPP/FSS) course. We call this the Trimester Series.
What is
A Recovery Coach?
A recovery coach is anyone interested in promoting recovery by removing barriers and obstacles in recovery and serving as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking or already in recovery.
Ian Stone is a CCAR Recovery Coach Professional and Facilitator. We provide experienced and knowledgeable trained Recovery Coach Professionals that deliver this service. All our Recovery Support Services are delivered with dignity and respect, while helping to eliminate stigma and labels. The HUB will provide the following recovery support training services to the recovery community (people in recovery, Allies and friends of recovery and professionals who want to expand their scope of work in the ongoing support for people in recovery).
What does
The Curriculum Look Like?
Recovery Coach Academy (RCA), 30 hrs, 5 days.
Example of Content:
● Describe the roles and functions of a recovery coach.
● List the components, core values and guiding principles of recovery.
● Build skills to enhance relationships.
● Discuss co-occurring disorders and medicated assisted recovery.
● Describe stages of change and their applications
● What a Recovery Coach is and is not.
● Experience Wellness Planning
● Practice newly acquired skills.
Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches 16 hrs, 2 days
Example of Content:
● Language of Ethics
● Boundary Management
● Friend vs. Coaching
● Staying in your lane
● Ethical Assumptions
● Core Recovery Values and Ethical Conduct
● Ethical Decision-Making Model
● Legal Issues
● Ethics of Self-Care
● Personal Code of Ethics
● Case Studies
Macro Perspectives of Peer and Family Systems Support 21 hrs, 3 days.
Example of Content:
● Peer Support Whole Health
● Social Support for Recovery and Empowerment
● Strategies in Areas of Empowerment
● Aspects of Living with Mind, Body and Spirit
● Motivational Interviewing
● Fragility of Post-Treatment Recovery
● Mindfulness
● Dimensions of Wellness
● Treaters Should be Treated (Compassion Fatigue, Dual Relationship, etc.)
● Roles in Recovery
● Emotional Buttons
● Codependency
● Enabling
● Differentiation and Undifferentiation
● Traits of a Healthy Family

These training hours meet the education requirements for the CCAR Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) designation (a national/International designation). RCP – Recovery Coach Professional designation The HUB will provide guidance and support to participants seeking the above-mentioned certifications. The Recovery Community HUB of Palm Beach County is a Florida based RCC/RCO that offers a training model for becoming a peer/recovery coach. We provide educational hours toward two recovery support credentials and hours toward another, the CRRA. Our Semester model starts April-June and August-October The following is a description of how our education training curriculum fits in with the following credentials. RCP- Recovery Coach Professional designation. The CCAR Center for Addiction Recovery (CCAR has established a Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) designation that elevates the standard for recovery coaches globally. This highly respected professional designation includes the Recovery Coach Academy, Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches, and an additional 14 hours of CCAR or CART-approved training programs for a total of 60 training hours.